updated 16.10.24

Winter solstice ceremony at Newgrange

Everyone of us carries magic. Our truth, love and power lies within us. This is one of the deepest of all the mystical teachings.

For this reason the winter solstice ceremony is not about looking to anyone for wisdom. It is about

finding that wisdom within.
Standing in the light of who you are and transmitting your high vibrational consciousness as an intermediary between the heavens and the earth.

You are the shaman, the Druid, the priestess you have been seeking.

The winter solstice event is process from the day before starting at Dowth. It prepares you to stand into this energy at the sunrise ceremony before Newgrange.

The ceremony engages everyone who wishes to join in, both from our solstice event and those who arrive to Newgrange that morning. It is inclusive and simple, therein lies its power. Everyone participating as one with no hierarchy. No one better or wiser than anyone else. The new paradigm is unity consciousness. We show up at Newgrange in our hearts as the wayseers, guardians and protectors of all that is sacred.

Sacredly holding the re-birth within

♧ Grianstad an Gheimhridh ♧

..a time when we can consciously give birth to our dreams and intentions for the year ahead.

This is an annual overnight indoor & outdoor experience held by some of Ireland’s wise Elders and Healers (inc. you!obviously)
