Cumarach - Converging
Although ‘Solsteers club’ includes Earthlings from all walks of life that come together to celebrate solstice..It also brings forth a certain frequency: People who are naturally humble, joyful & appreciative in their vibration
- Solstice 2022 attendee
Newgrange & Dowth are two sacred sites that are part of this Overnight Winter Solstice Experience journeying. There are no tickets or any other payments to join these public sacred sites. (The tickets you buy on are to join us at the 20-21 December overnight event & you are paying to thank the Solstice line-up team).
Why your ticket is Named & Non-Refundable:
Contemplation 1: One year we had 30% of Solsteers canceling and looking for a refund. This has made our work impossible (unsustainable).
Contemplation 2: When you attend a rugby match or a concert, or a dear friend’s party who booked catering - do you get a refund if you decide not to show up?