About Laura and Imbas

Laura Murphy is a writer, healer and award-winning communications strategist. She is the creator of IMBAS, a multi-sensory platform which is reviving this ancient Irish alchemical process and supporting the realisation of our creative and healing potential.

IMBAS is the Irish word for inspiration. It is derived from the ancient concept of:

Imbas Forosnai

which means Divine Inspiration, Sacred Wisdom or

Knowledge which Illuminates.

It is the mythical source of poetic inspiration, healing and prophetic knowledge of ancient Ireland. It was a gift of the Irish God/esses, Bóann, Brigid Danú, Lugh and was bestowed upon the hero Fionn McCool.

It was also the technique central to the ancient poets and seers of pre-Christian Ireland. It was how they accessed deep states of healing, creativity and flow.
