Solstice Gratitude Bank: What Past Participants Say about the Experience #IrelandWinterSolstice
/Thank you for all your kind words!! 2012-2023 Solstice Grá 2013 Group Photo at Newgrange Solstice Sunrise
#sol18 Daren #LiveSolstice 2018 Beloved Attendee
Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a powerful, profound, and beautiful experience that was. It was a fantastic event that I am in gratitude to the team for organising, and I am so lucky to have shared it with so many beautiful souls. Happy Solstice.
.. Although this was my first event of this type, and I attended on my own, it was an important part of my personal journey.
#sol18 E. Wu #LiveSolstice 2018 Beloved Attendee
My Dear
thank you so much for giving me this possibility to have a good mental and emotional rest. I really needed it.
Hope you are well and happy with the event - it went really well.
#sol18 Gillian G #LiveSolstice 2018 Line-up Elder
I just want to say how grateful I feel to have been invited to be part of Winter Solstice experience with you all. You both bring so much of your pure hearts through for everyone to open theirs.
There are no words to say only - Incredible, deep, open hearted, inspiring, loving, fun, healing, blessings, nourishment, joy, peace
and I could go on but just to say thank you so much again and I wish you both the blessing of light and love Happy Christmas
#sol18 Darya #LiveSolstice 2018
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful event.
Even though we had to leave early in the morning, the evening magic was enough to fill us with a huge charge of warmth, joy and awareness. It is very nice that you have collected so many amazing bright people and presented them with a real holiday.
I wanted to ask you, maybe you are organizing something like this on New Year's Eve, or maybe you know where to go for a conscious and non-alcoholic holiday? I would be very grateful for the information.
I embrace and wish you a pleasant day.
Зимнее Солнцестояние Ирландия
Хотела поблагодарить тебя за прекрасное мероприятие.
Хоть нам и пришлось уехать рано утром, вечернего волшебства хватило, чтобы наполнить огромным зарядом тепла, радости и осознанности. Очень приятно, что вы собрали такое количество потрясающих светлых людей и подарили им настоящий праздник
Хотела спросить тебя, может быть вы что-то подобное организовывает в новогоднюю ночь, или может ты знаешь, куда можно пойти на осознанный и безалкогольный праздник? Буду очень благодарна за информацию
Обнимаю и желаю приятного дня.
#sol18 Lorna E #LiveSolstice 2018 Line-up Elder
Thank you thank you dear heart for such an amazingly magical time. So so many soul moments.
Anytime you need healing sounds and blessings let me know. Planning a sound bathing evening in the garden here in summer so hope you will be around for
Just a gathering of a few friends to hang out around the fire and watch the moon rise.
#sol18 Treacy O #LiveSolstice 2018 Line-up Elder
Aw thank you so much guys. I really appreciate it. I feel like I should be paying you for the deep immersive experience.
I hope you both received as much as you gave.
Such a truly beautiful and powerful dreaming, conceiving and birthing for all of us and beyond.
May your work continue to shine and blossom abundantly.
Thank you so so much for everything.
Treacy xx
#sol18 Sinead H #LiveSolstice 2018 Line-up Elder
So excited to be coming to this special event!
Sounds so magical, inspiring and heart warming!
#sol18 Michelle #LiveSolstice 2018 Beloved Attendee
So much love and gratitude to you the humans, the universe for creating this beautiful gathering.
I am in joy looking at the nourishing schedule for this solstice get together.
I feel so grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to be part of this sacred gathering.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With love,
Michelle :) xoxoxox
#sol18 Christine #LiveSolstice 2018 Beloved Attendees
Myself and soul partner..are coming
to share beautiful connection with all of you.
Sooo looking forward to